Relocation part two, or month in Munich

Relocation part two, or month in Munich

The most frequently asked question is - do I like it? And the short answer is yes.

What I like the most - everybody seems to be chill.

Did I find something that annoys me? I did not. Except, maybe, the real estate market, but you know, it is like being annoyed by rain.

The first week I was on self-isolation, so yeah, it was boring. But since it was snowy outside, and the flat has a balcony, I was able to make a friend :)

my first friend in Munich

Two things you should know about apartments in Munich. First - it is crazy expensive to rent a flat. Second - it is tough to rent. The only real option to rent an apartment remotely is MrLodge. And I can recommend them. Everything was smooth, and the flat was exactly as in pictures from the website.

While I was at home, I tried to get a phone contract but failed because to get a proper one, you should have a bank account, and to have a bank account, you need to have a tax id. I heard that I could open an account in N26 bank, but they rejected my passport. So I ended up with a prepaid number by Aldi Talk. I ordered it online, but by the time the actual sim card arrived, my self-isolation was over, and I could buy it at any Lidl shop.

How to end self-isolation? You have two options. One is to wait five days, make a corona test, and if it is negative, you are free. Second, wait ten days, and you are free. I chose the first option, and on the morning of 10 April, I was tested negative and free to move around. After 10 km walking, I went to the grocery store, bought charcoal, sausages, and beer. And in the evening I had a BBQ party on the balcony.

my first BBQ in Munich

To get a tax ID, you should register yourself in KVR. Since it is corona time, you can do it remotely. To do that, you need to send an email to this address: In attachments should be a filled by you PDF form "Anmeldeformular und Vollmacht", another PDF form "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" supplied by your landlord, your passport, and your visa.


Before you download those forms and fill them, go to and check if they are still valid.

Since I did not find any advice on what to write in the header and body of the letter, I wrote:


Hi, my name is Serhiy Barhamon. I just moved to Munich and want to register myself. In the attachment to this letter you will find:

- Anmeldeformular und Vollmacht

- Wohnungsgeberbestätigung

- My passport

- My visa

In case you have any questions, please contact me by phone ... or email ....

Best regards

I received my registration after two weeks and still waiting for my tax ID. Side note, do not forget to put your name on postbox.

A couple of times I went to the office on foot (an hour, free), most of the time I rent a bicycle (25 minutes, 2.4 euro) and when the weather is bad I use S-Bahn (25 minutes, 3.5 euro). Thinking about buying a bike but again, since this is a corona time, it is not easy to get to the offline shop, and online shops do not accept cache. So yeah, it is a good idea to have some money in your bank account when you're moving to another country. Don't be like me.

my first BBQ in Munich

I hope, if you are reading this, somehow it will help you