Serhiy Barhamon

Serhiy Barhamon

I have been lucky to have my first computer at age six. It was Atari 65XE, with BASIC programming language built-in. Since then, computers have been my passion, and I have never stopped programming.

I was launching some startups with various levels of success. The usual level of success was a failure. But that was always fun and educational. 10/10. I will do it again.

In my free of screen time, I do adventurous stuff and sometimes play music.

Adventures: see all

I crossed Lapland on a bicycle

Or I cycled 800 kilometers from the Barents Sea to the Baltic Sea.

EDT Finland preparations

Last year, I found the European Divide Trail website, and I have been thinking about it since.

Tour du Mont Blanc

Every year, we go on an adventure to celebrate our anniversary. This year’s adventure was the Tour du Mont Blanc hike.

Life: see all

Three years in Munich

With the Russian invasion still ongoing, my feelings about us moving to Germany are obviously skewed.

2023 recap

Unfortunately, that’s a bad sign when you start a year review with the word unfortunately, but what can I do?

Two years in Munich

Unbelievable how relative time is. It feels like we have lived here for at least twice as long.

Books: see all

Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know by Ranulph Fiennes

If you plan any adventure, this book is a must-read.

Rust Atomics and Locks by Mara Bos

I remember that I wanted to read more fiction, but hear me out.

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

The best competency porn out there.

Software: see all

The Advent of Code 2023

It is time to be honest, and say "I will not finish it". Come on, it is the middle of February.

Look ma, NO JS!

I rewrote my blog without any JS.

Yamd notes

What I learned while writing my flavor of markdown

Music: see all

What Is Not Strange? by Tashi Wada

That's my kind of dude. That's my jam.

Now by Kim Jung Mi

Here is a gem from the past.

>>>> by Beak>

Some bands grow with each release, even if the bar is already high.