Aphex Twin live at Barbican Hall, London, 10/10/12
the piano part 🤯

Live @ Yedikule Fortress by Netam
I missed that kind of sound

Aura by Hatis Noit
The ability of people to create beautiful things never stops amazing me.

Live at Villa Maximus, Mykonos by Greg Foat & Sokratis Votskos
That is the perfect soundtrack for Monday evening.

Steve Reich, Drumming by Mount Allison University percussion ensemble
King of repetition.

Roseland NYC live 25 by Portishead
Twenty-five years. Jeez.

Boiler Room Berlin Live Set by Author Punisher
Boiler Room Berlin Live Set by Author Punisher

Superficial by Ouri
Superficial by Ouri

Close but No Cigar by Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio
Close but No Cigar by Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio