Hamon updates

Hamon updates

Most changes are in the Hamon theme, which is a good sign.

Each post ends with links to three similar posts. Similarity is currently measured by tag intersection. It works surprisingly well but requires thinking about how to tag articles.

Long-time requested feature - images in postcards are clickable 🎉.

Another long-time requested feature is sticky navigation. Each page now has it. The title comes from the BAR configuration. The post page shows the first tag. Both are links, but they do not look like them. I don’t know if that is okay. My gut feeling says that, at this point, this type of navigation is so widespread that it is clear. I will wait for feedback.

There are also various other little improvements here and there, like consistent rounding and indentation, fixed footer positioning, improved HTML structure, etc.

One more thing. Unfortunately, there is JavaScript. Since there is no way to enter fullscreen mode without JS, the Hamon theme now contains four lines of JS code. Here is a gallery with a few months of foto roll. Look at the ⛶ sign in the bottom-right corner.

I am still not in love with templating language, but in general I really like the result.

Look ma, NO JS!

Look ma, NO JS!

I rewrote my blog without any JS.

How to serve sitemap.xml with Next.JS

How to serve sitemap.xml with Next.JS

Quick guide with code and explanation on sitemap.xml with Next.JS

First major refactoring

First major refactoring

the birthday of the Bar part of barhamon.com