This blog

This blog

This blog built with:

Deployed on Vercel.

You can find source code on GitHub repo. If you find a bug, or typo, or error, or you know ways to do things better - please submit an issue.


  1. Tags page
  2. Code formatting in posts
  3. "Read more" button in posts with preview
  4. Meta tags
  5. Pagination
  7. RSS feed
  8. Pages (bio, contacts, etc)
  9. Music
First major refactoring

First major refactoring

the birthday of the Bar part of

Disqus and Next.js

Disqus and Next.js

You will learn how to add comments to your Next.js project. And it is easy with Disqus.

Image gallery with Cloudinary

Image gallery with Cloudinary

Here's how I build an image gallery with Cloudinary